6 Tips For Buying A New Baby Pram

The term ‘pram’ is often used interchangeably with ‘stroller’, so there may be a bit of a confusion when buying one that is perfect for your baby. In general, however, a baby pram is one that has a flat surface for sleeping (sometimes called a bassinet) while a stroller is the type which has an upright seat where the baby can be placed in a seating position. In most cases, however, either term will refer to models that allow the baby to sit or lie back and has a detachable seat that can be secured on the backseat of a vehicle. At Best Prams, we make sure that your baby only has the best products. Here are out tips for finding the right pram for your little one.

Consider the Right Size

Prams should keep your baby contained within safely and comfortably. Consider your baby’s age, weight, and height when picking a pram. If buying online, make sure to check the measurements to determine if the pram is the right size. If you are in a store, manually inspect the pram for build stability, size, and design. Consider the materials as well, along with the weight.

If you can, bring a tape measure with you to assess the size of the pram against the space of your car. Check the weight and height if it is comfortable enough for you to lift and push with your child in it. Prams often come in standard sizes, usually based on the child’s maximum weight. Some units, for example, can hold a child at a few days old until he/she reaches about 20 kilograms.

Choose the Number of Wheels

A few years ago, a poll conducted by CHOICE asked parents about any safety issues they experienced with three-wheeler prams versus four-wheeler prams. There were more complaints from parents who had three-wheelers versus parents who used four-wheelers. Apparently, four-wheelers were more stable and reliable. Three-wheelers, on the other hand, were more likely to roll away or tip over when turning. Consider this issue when choosing models to determine your best option.

Look for Safety Features

When choosing a pram, always look for safety certification. The most reliable baby prams are inspected and must pass safety standards. Look for the 2013 or 2022 Safety Standard AS/NZS 2088 certification. These are set standards that prams must meet to ensure the baby’s safety.

Look for lockable wheels for better control, particularly if you tend to walk fast or will be using the pram on rough pathways. Check the wheels for sturdiness and see how well the frame is built. In general, smaller, inflatable wheels are more comfortable but they could become punctured. Larger wheels are easier to push/pull up the stairs and go easy on curbs or turns. Check the brakes. The brakes should respond quickly when activated.

Check the Make and Design

Prams should prioritize comfort and safety for the baby while onboard. Check the interior of the pram for any protruding components or sharp designs that could hurt the child. Inspect the unit for any gaps or holes as well. Babies tend to grab at anything and tiny fingers, arms, and legs could become trapped in gaps and become injured. Check to see if the straps and harnesses are secure and fit snugly, not tightly. Make sure these are attached firmly to the frame.

Look for Adjustable Features

Initially, you will want a baby pram that faces you while walking if you have a newborn. As your baby grows older, you might want him/her to face forward and away from you. The best prams offer the flexibility of having a removable seat that can be reversed when you want, so your baby could face you or face forward. You might also want a retractable canopy and a rain cover for protection in case of sudden showers. And lastly, consider built-in storage features for baby stuff such as bottles, diapers, and clothing.

Ask for a Guarantee

A guarantee will cover the unit for any wear-and-tear on the inner material or replacement of certain components, such as the wheel. It is also a good idea to ask if spare parts or at least, compatible parts are readily available. A good pram will likely last until your baby is old enough to walk or for your next baby to use. A guarantee, along with good care and maintenance, should ensure that the pram will remain reliable, comfortable, and safe to use for a long time.